Elk NetworkThe Art of Acoustics: Adding Realism to your Calling

Sponsored Content | August 18, 2023

Get 25% off a one-time purchase at RIVEN by using promo code RMEF25 (expires Oct. 31, 2023)

Beau Brooks is obsessed with calling. He’s just as happy making crow or pigeon sounds as he is calling elk. “At a very young age, I became obsessed with calling & interacting with all types of animals,” he says. “I have always been enamored by what they say, when they say it, why they say what they say, and then trying to flawlessly replicate what I hear. I have dedicated a massive portion of my life to this craft and love helping others achieve their goals for calling & hunting in general.” His passion and exuberance are absolutely infectious, and just being around him seems to make everyone a little more excited about calling. Why Wood? Just like any acoustic instrument, it’s all about tone.

Beau’s new company, RIVEN, was born to challenge the status quo, where the traditions of the old meet the innovations of the new. Their philosophy is based in one simple concept: making the most realistic sounding elk sounds through the art of acoustics. The RIVEN Cambium Bugle Tube is the first wooden bugle tube on the market, and it has already proven itself as a real sonic game changer. Just like in a fine guitar, cello or violin, rich sound vibration is dictated through the resonance of what is appropriately called “tonewood.” It’s organic. It’s natural. It’s harmonically rich… but most of all, to borrow even MORE terminology from the world of music… it’s “bluesy”.

Want to sound MORE like an elk and LESS like a hunter? It’s all about the chuckle. In this video, Beau Brooks demonstrates the importance of “depth of tone”. Beau addresses everything from tongue placement, mouth shape, air control and cadence to help you become a better caller. “Calling is about so much more than making sounds. It’s not about just talking… it’s about communicating. And perhaps most of all, it’s about the passion of the pursuit. “I want to help hunters go to the next level, and I believe that with the right gear, practice and experience in the elk woods, we ALL can get better.” – Beau Brooks Back-to-Back World Elk Calling Champion and proud RMEF member Exclusive RMEF deal!

Get 25% off a one-time purchase at RIVEN by using promo code RMEF25 (expires Oct. 31, 2023)