October 19, 2010
RMEF Supports ‘Right to Hunt’ Amendments in S.C., Tenn.
MISSOULA, Mont.—On Nov. 2, voters in South Carolina and Tennessee can pass amendments to their state constitutions that would protect hunting and fishing as constitutional rights. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation supports these amendments as a way to protect sporting traditions and the revenue they generate for conservation.
“Every citizen of South Carolina and Tennessee who appreciates wildlife and wild places should vote in favor of these amendments, because hunters and anglers pay for most of the conservation efforts in this country,” said David Allen, RMEF president and CEO.
Allen added, “Hunters, and the freedom to hunt, are the core reasons why America’s system of wildlife
conservation is envied by countries all over the world.”
The amendments would protect hunting, fishing and their funding mechanisms—as well as their vital influence in fish, wildlife and habitat management—by preempting surreptitious efforts by anti-hunting, anti-fishing and animal rights activists. Hunters and anglers would still be required to carry proper licenses, follow harvest restrictions and other normal regulations. Public and private property rights would not be affected.
Ten states have previously adopted similar amendments: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.