Elk NetworkRMEF Honors, Welcomes Volunteers from Six States

News Releases | March 8, 2011

March 8, 2011

RMEF Honors, Welcomes Volunteers from Six States

MISSOULA, Mont.—Conservationists from six states—Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Tennessee and Washington—have been honored as top volunteers or welcomed aboard as new directors for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

The volunteers were recognized during the annual RMEF convention, which concluded March 6 in Reno, Nev.

“Volunteers are the backbone of a conservation movement that is making a real difference for elk and other wildlife,” said Jeff Cade, immediate past chairman of the board for RMEF. “But we’re impacting more than just habitat. We’re also ensuring a future for the experiences and lifestyles and values of an elk hunter.”

Volunteers for two RMEF chapters received extra-special honors in Reno. The RMEF Three Rivers Chapter in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 2010 became the organization’s first chapter to reach $3 million in total fundraising. And the RMEF Tucson (Ariz.) Chapter was honored as the highest single-year fundraising chapter in RMEF history at $359,785.

RMEF Chairman’s Award recipients:

Chairman’s Awards are given each year in recognition of outstanding RMEF volunteers. Recipients are chosen by their peers from each of four regions. Each recipient has been selected as an inspiration to other volunteers and whose dedication to the RMEF mission exceeds all expectations.

Washington—Rick Barlin, Olympia, Wash., RMEF Olympia Chapter. A member since 1988, Barlin has served as chair, co-chair and merchandise chair of the RMEF Mount Rainier Chapter in Tacoma, Wash., and he currently chairs the RMEF Olympia Chapter. He also serves as the Washington State Resource Team events leader. Barlin’s enthusiasm for RMEF has spilled over and now his wife, daughter and son-in-law are all active RMEF volunteers, too.

Colorado—Bobby Gray, Montrose, Colo., RMEF Montrose Chapter. A member for over 17 years, Gray has served the RMEF Montrose Chapter since 1997. He was the Colorado state chair for five years and instrumental in the success of many Colorado chapters, especially in Grand Junction. Gray helped create the Colorado State Leadership Team, serves on the State Leadership Team, and is the RMEF representative for the Colorado Division of Wildlife’s Habitat Partnership Program.

Illinois—Terry McLaughlin, Morton, Ill., RMEF Prairie State Chapter. McLaughlin has been an active RMEF volunteer since 1998 and currently serves as the Illinois state chair and Peoria chapter chair. He attends almost every big game banquet in Illinois and donates time, energy and finances for the RMEF mission. His passion, leadership, generosity and strong volunteer relationships have helped his home chapter become one of the most successful in the state.

Tennessee—Terry and Jane Lewis, Powell, Tenn., RMEF Royal Blue Chapter. These RMEF members host fundraisers, turkey hunts for wounded warriors and other events on their property in the Cumberland Mountains. They’re also very involved in area habitat enhancement projects including the Cumberland habitat enhancement initiative, Hatfield Knob Elk Viewing Area and more. As president of the Campbell Outdoor Recreation Association, Terry also helped secure 600,000 acres of public land for elk habitat.

New RMEF Directors:

Idaho—Dennis Radocha, Boise, Ida. Attorney, Associate General Counsel, OfficeMax Incorporated (formerly Boise Cascade Corporation). RMEF service: chair of regional chairs 2008-2010; regional chair 2003-2010; former Idaho state chair; former committee chair and co-chair, RMEF Mtn. (Idaho) Home Chapter; co-founder Nampa and Emmett (Idaho) chapters; life member, Habitat Council member. NRA Endowment member; former president Idaho Sportsmen’s Caucus advisory council.

Minnesota—Debra A. McCormick, Buffalo, Minn. CEO, McC Inc. (industrial construction); Owner BCR Ranch (agriculture). RMEF service: RMEF finance committee member, life member. Safari Club International life member, Quality Deer Management Association member, Pheasants Forever member. Graduate Mankato State University; Graduate Study Boston University.