Elk NetworkOklahoma Hunters Provide 32,000 Pounds of Venison During 2021-22 to Help the Hungry

General | July 6, 2022

Below is a news release from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Since 2002, more than 700,000 pounds of venison have been donated through the Hunters Against Hunger program. Administered by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, the program allows processed venison to be donated to food pantries within the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of eastern Oklahoma network.

“I am proud of Oklahoma’s deer hunters and processors who donate their time and resources. Together we can provide locally sourced, healthy and nutritious protein to the Oklahomans who need it the most,” said Becky Rouner, coordinator for the Hunters Against Hunger program.

Legally harvested deer are taken to the nearest participating meat processor. Hunters are encouraged to donate $10 towards the processing of the deer, but this is voluntary. The processor grinds the meat into 2-pound packages which are then picked-up by local food pantries.

“Oklahoma hunters are extremely generous and we are so grateful for this partnership that has helped provide high quality meat for our neighbors living with hunger,” said Stacy Dykstra, chief executive officer of the Regional Food Bank. “We are so grateful for our partners at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation as well as meat processors who are integral in getting much needed protein to our partner pantries across Oklahoma.”

Participation by meat processors is key to success of Hunters Against Hunger. With nearly 50 participating processors throughout the state, deer hunters have ample opportunity to donate venison. During the 2021-22 deer season, the following processors donated venison to their local food pantries.

Homestead Meats & Processing, Coyle

Fat Boys Deer Processing, Roff

H&L Custom Processing, Coalgate

Parkland Deer Processing, Agra

Bill’s Custom Processing, Coalgate

Claborn’s Processing, Ada

Sallee’s, Guthrie

Mixon Wild Game Processing, Atoka

Ed’s Wild Game Processing, Marlow

Lucky Day, Shawnee

Nowlins Custom Processing, Sand Springs

Tater Hills Deer Processing, Clayton

Wild Country Meats, Cleveland

Terry’s Taxidermy, Oklahoma City

High’s Deer Processing, Fairland

Sportsman’s Meat Block, Weatherford

Market 54, Weatherford

If a processor would like to be involved or would like more information about the Hunters Against Hunger (HAH) program, contact the Wildlife Department at (405) 521-4660.


(Photo credit:  Kelly Bostian/Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation)