Elk NetworkWorking as a ‘Team’ in Your State

Volunteer Newsletter | July 25, 2024

The amount of mission work completed in your state varies, depending on the total amount of funds raised by chapters within your state. Chapters that work as a TEAM will help each other raise more, resulting in more direct mission work that goes on the round. Below, we will explore actions taken in some states to unify volunteers and chapters as a TEAM for the mission.


Team Unity in Your State

At times, your committee may feel like the challenges you face are unique to your chapter. Fortunately, that is not usually the case because other chapters likely encountered similar hurdles. Making connections with other chapters and chapter leadership will help your chapter navigate challenges quicker and provide needed support.


Chapters Supporting Chapters

As a chapter leader, it is beneficial have a support system around you. Fellow chapter chairs within your state can offer advice and be an invaluable resource that will help your efforts. At times, chapters are short on volunteers and must call in more support to see an event through. Such action cultivates a team mentality, where chapters help other chapters achieve success. There have been many times in some states where volunteers travel for hours to help another committee in need. The time and effort are often repaid by that chapter doing the same in return.


Attend Statewide Events

Network with leadership with other chapters at statewide events to build relationships. Make it a priority to attend a statewide volunteer workshop. If your state hosts a rendezvous or volunteer work project, seek out fellow volunteers and chapter leaders while attending.


Reach Out

Ask your regional director for a list of chapter chairs and volunteer leadership within your state. Reach out to fellow chapter leadership that your regional director thinks will be most beneficial to you and then begin building supportive relationships. Share banquet programs, ideas and your chapter’s strengths and challenges. Be genuine and understand that by helping each other as a TEAM, more can be done for RMEF’s mission in your state.