Elk NetworkStaying Focused on the Mission

Volunteer Newsletter | March 25, 2024

Here are examples of how volunteers and chapters remind themselves and others of the impact they make and why their time and efforts are so valuable to the RMEF mission.

It is important to stay focused on RMEF’s mission and to remember the meaningful impact that chapter fundraising efforts have on elk and elk country. Below, you will find examples highlighting how volunteers and chapters remind themselves and others of the impact they make and why their time and efforts are so valuable to the RMEF mission.


  • At the first meeting of each new fundraising year, one common practice is to have each committee member share why RMEF’s mission is meaningful to them. Sharing these testimonials has been inspirational for those committees and makes the mission a priority entering the new year.


  • Regional directors can share information about where RMEF funds were spent in the most recent mission funding cycle. It is important for committees to understand the RMEF Project Advisory Committee (PAC) and State Grant programs. They can understand better when specific project examples and totals are shared with them. That information also gives them an overview of the direct impact made by the funds they helped raise the previous year.


  • Utilize and share your state’s project history summary (PHS). These documents include cumulative totals for projects and grants funded in your state. Some chapters include the PHS in an email to all committee members when rallying volunteers to launch the upcoming banquet planning process. Ask your regional director for this document.


  • Current information about what RMEF is doing nationally is found on RMEF.org and RMEF’s social media platforms. Does your state have its own social media? If so, share national information within your committee meetings as it becomes available.


  • Share RMEF mission videos with your committee! These can be shown on a monitor or distributed via links directly to volunteers and donors. RMEF’s YouTube channel is updated regularly with mission videos and is a great source of mission information.  Find it here: youtube.com/@rmef.


  • When a regional director attends your committee meeting, ask him or her for updates on recent mission work. They often have knowledge of current mission activities and can give your chapter an overview of what is happening in your state.


  • Encourage chapter volunteers to attend a work project! Some of the most meaningful moments for volunteers and staff are when they take part in a work project and have a hands-on experience for the benefit for elk and other wildlife. Check out rmef.org/volunteer for a listing of upcoming work projects.