Elk NetworkOregon Steps Up Anti-Poaching Efforts

General , Poaching | August 18, 2023

Oregon recently launched a new campaign called Protect Oregon’s Wildlife – Turn in Poachers to better protect its fish and wildlife populations. The goal is to better educate residents to learn more about poaching and show them how to report incidents to authorities.

“We depend on reports from citizens to catch poachers. Together, we can ensure that Oregon’s diverse ecosystems thrive for present and future generations,” said Lt. Craig Heuberger, Oregon State Police F&W Division. “Our wildlife belongs to everyone, and we cannot afford to look away. We encourage everyone to learn more about poaching to safeguard the beauty and biodiversity of our great state.”

The collaborative effort between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division and Oregon Department of Justice looks to increase awareness, enforcement and prosecution.

To report suspicious activity, contact the TIP line by dialing 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP or *677 from a mobile phone or sending an email to [email protected] between 8:00 – 5:00 on weekdays.

For 2023, Fiocchi partnered with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to increase the visibility of poaching incidents in an effort to reduce poaching nationwide.

(Photo credit: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife)