Elk NetworkHunting IS Conservation – Paid for by Hunters

Conservation | March 17, 2017

Habitat, research and wildlife law enforcement work are all paid for by hunters. It helps hunted species, as well as countless non-hunted species.

Through state licenses and fees, hunters pay $796 million a year for conservation programs.

Through donations to groups like RMEF, hunters graciously add $440 million a year to conservation efforts.

In 1937, hunters actually requested an 11% tax on guns, ammo, bows and arrows to help fund conservation.

That tax generates $371 million a year for conservation.

So far, the tax has raised more than $8 billion for wildlife conservation.

All-together, hunters pay more than $1.6 billion a year for conservation programs. No one gives more than hunters!

Every single day U.S. sportsmen contribute $8 million to conservation.

Hunting funds conservation AND the economy, generating $38 billion a year in retail spending.

This is just one way, of how Hunting Is Conservation.