Elk NetworkHosting Secondary Fundraising Events

Volunteer Newsletter | May 30, 2024

The more funds generated by your chapter, the more there is to spend on the mission in your state! Many chapters are currently hosting secondary fundraising events, which are as simple or complicated as they choose to make them. When considering which type of event to host, you must consider which best fits your chapter, committee and potential attendees. You must choose an event that your committee and attendees will be excited to host and attend.

Gun Fest/Gun Bash Events

These events are based around a higher cost raffle and typically have 1-in-5 odds of winning, with a $200-250 ticket cost. A minimum number of tickets must be sold, with an appropriate ratio of prizes given out. If more than the minimum number of tickets are sold, more firearms can be added. For example, 100 tickets can be sold for $250 each and 20 prizes/firearms purchased at an average cost of $500 per item. If possible, these tickets should be sold prior to your event. If sold out, the raffle will gross $25,000 and net $15,000. When the raffle is conducted, the lowest valued item is drawn first and the person whose name is drawn can either:

  1. Take the item and their ticket is removed from the bucket.
  2. Take the item, buy back into the raffle for $250 and their ticket remains in the bucket.
  3. Or don’t take the item and their ticket remains in the bucket and another winner is drawn for the prize.

In addition to this raffle, secondary raffles are also held. For some events, a small silent auction can also be conducted as well as other popular banquet activities. These events are typically held on a weeknight with only a handful of volunteers needed to help run them. Appetizers are often provided for those who buy tickets. Additional food and beverages are available for purchase. The event does not require a long night out and is often completed within a two-hour time frame. It is simple for a committee because its planning and execution does not require much detail. However, there is a need for both a chair and ticket chair to help with planning and pre-event ticket sales. These events often net $15,000 to $30,000, depending on the number of tickets sold and the number of added fundraising opportunities that accompany the primary raffle.

Ladies Night Out Events

These events include a lot of the same features as a normal banquet but are for only female attendees. Most ladies night out events include live and silent auctions, games, raffles and dinner. Everything is catered to women attendees, including selected merchandise and firearms, as well as how some of the games and raffles are presented. There is often a theme that accompanies all activities and attendees are encouraged to dress with that in mind. Some examples of themes are the Roaring Twenties, masquerade ball, black dress, luau, ladies of the 80s, and boots and bling. Men are not allowed to take part as attendees but may volunteer to help with raffles, games or auctions. The goal for a ladies night out event is a minimum of 100 attendees. Some of these gatherings host as many as 500 attendees. These events should generate at least $15,000 net but have potential to raise more than $75,000 with a big enough crowd. When looking for donors, seek out those who will benefit from a female-only audience.       

Donor & Event Sponsor Appreciation Events

A donor appreciation event is a great way to invite your chapter’s best supporters and thank them for their generosity. It also allows you to supply more information about RMEF’s mission and how their support makes a positive impact. Life members, sponsors, donors and auction buyers may be invited to participate. Often, a low-cost meal or appetizers are provided as a thank you and there is no charge for attendance. These events often include a fundraising aspect but should be much different from a banquet. Fundraising should be presented as an opportunity, not as an expectation. A few raffles and small silent and live auctions (around 10 items) may be appropriate.


If you are interested in adding a ladies night out or other secondary event for your chapter, contact your regional director.