Elk NetworkAnti-Hunters Seek to Shoot Down Hunter Harassment Law

Conservation | July 22, 2017

Three people who claim Wisconsin’s hunter harassment law to be unconstitutional filed a lawsuit seeking to have it thrown out. Passed last year by the state legislature, the law does not allow hunters to be filmed, photographed or hassled while they are in the field.

A representative of the Animal Legal Defense Fund, an organization that advances its interests by filing lawsuits, say the current Wisconsin law violates First Amendment rights. As part of its legal filing, the group also filed a complaint that hunters harassed an animal rights activist that was taking pictures and video of them.

Wisconsin Public Radio reports a spokesman for the Attorney General Schimel said “he takes his responsibility to defend Wisconsin law seriously and respects our Constitutional right to hunt, fish, trap and take game in Wisconsin.”

(Photo source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources)